
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Strep Throat?!

Come on now, ladies and gentlemen.  I haven't had strep throat since I was in first grade and now all of a sudden, I get it twice in three weeks?  This is uncalled for and ridiculous, if you ask me. :)

So I've been on antibiotics and all that good stuff, but I figured it couldn't hurt to help them out a bit so I've been oil pulling with coconut oil (seriously, look it up - coconut oil has so many amazing health benefits), but I also whipped up a nasty little batch of an apple cider vinegar cough remedy I used a while back, because I remember how great it made my throat feel.  Here's the recipe I use:

1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger (I'm sure you could use fresh ginger if that's all you had)
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (I used Bragg's)
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon honey

Put all of those ingredients in a container with a water tight lid and shake the crap out of it until it all looks uniform in color.  The spices will settle to the bottom of the container after a while, so be sure to shake it up every time before you use it.  I fill a shot glass half full and knock it back.  It's actually pretty amazing stuff - if you can get past the taste of the ACV... :)

I'll be back later this week with a couple recipes!  I'm thinking about creating some weekly meal plan posts if anyone would be interested in seeing that!


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